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해외여행/New Zealand4

New Zealand Travel Hotel Accommodation Review Part 1: YHA Edition (YHA Tekapo, Taupo, Wanaka) During our New Zealand trip, we stayed at three different YHA locations. We booked accommodations for two adults and one elementary school student. However, please note that YHA doesn't allow minors to stay in shared dormitory rooms. Therefore, we made our reservations for Private Rooms, which are either standalone rooms or booking the entire shared 4-person room. Tip 1: It's advisable to book y.. 2023. 10. 9.
How to Reserve and Get Discounts on Rental Cars in New Zealand (Reasons for Choosing Budget Car Rental) If you are planning a trip to New Zealand, renting a car is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons for choosing Budget Car Rental and discuss the available discounts for Budget Car Rental in New Zealand. Table of Contents: 1. Reasons for Choosing Budget Car Rental 2. Finding Discounts with Budget Car Rental 3. Selecting the Vehicle 4. Making the Reservation 1. Reasons for Choo.. 2023. 7. 12.
Important Tips for Renting a Car in New Zealand: Duration, Weather, Seasons, Road Construction, and Detours New Zealand is a renowned destination known for its stunning natural landscapes and diverse tourist attractions. However, there are several important factors to consider when reserving a rental car. In this blog post, we will provide you with essential tips and precautions regarding the duration, weather, seasons, road construction, and detours when renting a car for your trip to New Zealand. Ta.. 2023. 7. 11.
Ferry Travel with Rental Cars in New Zealand: A Guide to Inter-Island Transportation (Wellington, Picton, 2023 Update) Traveling between New Zealand's North and South Islands often involves ferry transportation, which can pose unexpected challenges when renting a car. Most rental car companies have policies that require returning the vehicle in Wellington or Picton and renting a new one for the other island. This blog post provides a comprehensive comparison of the inter-island ferry policies of various rental c.. 2023. 7. 3.